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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

{Room Decorating, again}

I spent some time yesterday organizing and cleaning up a couple areas of my classroom.  My desk is cleared off (for once!).  I'm working on getting everything ready for school in just about 3.5 weeks (I'm crying!).  Anyways, below is a couple pictures of my desk--pay no attention to the fact that the back of my desk is still maroon--I need to order more contact paper.

Only my computer is missing :) 

(I can't wait to re-do that sign on my desk--I'm taking a hand lettering class Thursday evening so I can't wait to make all things pretty!)  

This is my turn-in station and graded work plus paperwork for my 3 classes.  It needs some more cleaning up, but hopefully you get the idea.  

Until next time...

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