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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Update 2016

I really fell off the blogging bandwagon! I'm determined to get back up and share so much that has been going on.  The girls are now 7, 5, & 2...as of this past June! :) We did one big party in June and celebrated all 3 of our June babies....I just realized my last entery was April of 2014 so at that time we were awaiting the arrival of Kinley Austin who made her debut on June 26, 2014.  She just celebrated her 2nd birthday 2 weeks ago.   Now that we are a family of 5 things have been more exciting and fun all the time! Kinley was our last piece to the puzzle that is our family and now we are a perfect fit! :)   Below are our most recent pictures from July 4, 2016. Happy birthday, America!

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