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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

I'm moving....classrooms!

I'm so excited because I'm moving to the classroom across the hall from my old room and it's HUGE! I can't wait! I've been working on projects to get my new space ready and I love it because I can start from scratch.  I'm really loving everything rustic & farmhouse so that's my theme or decor ideas.  I'm pinnning like crazy on Pinterest and creating as I go.  I've been up there a few times now painting bookcases to match and getting things ready so I can move my stuff in.  It's coming along. Below are some pics of the room.  I have 20 computers and this room is so big that one side will be the computers and the other side will be my round tables.  My old room was much smaller and we filmed our TV show right in the room---I had 32 in TV last spring so we would say, "Ok, quiet everyone! We are on air!" It was madness...I've been doing that for 3 years though so I'm most excited about the new room because it has a giant double door closet that will now be turned into our studio!!!! Hooray! Anyways, check out the pics below....Until next time....

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