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Saturday, January 7, 2012


ok, so I'm new to this blogging thing, but already I'm really enjoying it. I'm hoping to keep this pretty up-to-date with all the fun stuff this little family of 4 does plus lots of useful stuff for those interested in my mindless crafts and decorating tips and tricks! **I can't take credit though....usually the things I make come from others or, of course, Pinterest! :)

Something about our family is that we live in a small townhouse far in the north end of the town we live in. My parents, our church, Target, and other necessity venues are located in the central or Southern part of town so our house has been for sale now since March 2010 (well listed with a realtor anyways). The major reason we need to move though is because we have simply outgrown it! It's 2/2 and we are now a family of 4...as of this past summer. I'm just excited to have more space eventually. One of my new year's resolutions is to declutter my house! So, I'm hoping that we move within the next 6 months and I can do that as we move. I've been working on that over the holiday break (I'm a teacher) and so far I've cleared out about an inch or two of space. We just have too much stuff! I made my daughter, Baleigh choose 20 toys that could be given to our local donation center before I would put any of her new Christmas presents in her room. You'd be surprised too...she gave more than 20! I was so proud of her :)

So, that' s kind of where we are right now. I love my husband and my 2 girls more than anything on this earth so the tight quarters are ok for us for now, but we all need our space and I want a place to blog/craft/etc. and there just isn't room right now. So, prayers for our house to sell and the moving process to begin. We love this house and will miss it dearly--I already warned my husband that I will cry the day we leave it--but it's time to move on and find a place in a location we really like and with enough room for all 4 of us. I can't wait for the next chapter of our lives. God is good and He has a plan so we will see what that plan is soon I hope! Until next time....

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