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Friday, June 7, 2013

Salted Caramel Brownies! (Delicious!)

Salted Caramel Brownies

These were delicious and I found them on Pinterest, but all I could find were pictures of the recipe so here is what I did:

Ingredients: brownie mix, bag of pretzels, jar of caramel, sea salt

Directions: Mix the brownies according to the package directions then pour into baking 

pan (I think you were supposed to save half of batter, but I poured all of it--either works) 

then put a layer of pretzels covering all of the batter. Bake according to brownie 

instructions.  **if you half the batter put the other half on over the pretzel layer. Once the 

brownies come out of the oven pour the jar of caramel covering all of the pretzel layer or 

over all if the brownies....last step: sprinkle with sea salt! Let sit so that they will be able to

 cut apart.  I let mine sit over an hour and they were a yummy gooey mess.  Enjoy!

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