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Sunday, June 3, 2012

{Three cheers for summer!}

So I have been out of school for a week and finally have the time to work on things around our NEW house! :) We moved at the end of April and now have a 4 bedroom house with soooo much room! It's wonderful.  We sold our leather couches before the move and got our new sectional couch last week! So, that's my new project....something for the wall above the couch.  I am wanting to create a giant collage with all different types of frames.  So far I have over 15 frames and I have spray painted all of them white, soft gold, and navy.  I'm wanting to kind of make the room those colors mainly.  So, I'm working on it and will hopefully post pictures soon.  Saturday is Rylie Kate's first birthday and birthday party so I want to at least get the house started and make it look good.  We'll see.  Until next time.... {Which should be tomorrow or Tuesday!}

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