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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

{Home Sweet Home}

ok, I've been trying to do things around the house and wanted to share a few finished products...we still have a long way to go, but I'm loving each part of my house more and more each day.  Here are a few pics I want to share! :) 

First off, is my little Princess Baleigh's room.  My best friend, Stephanie, made a pink and sparkly chandelier to hang in her room and I think it is just adorable! It was her birthday gift to Baleigh :) Thanks Steph!

Here is a picture of that whole side of Baleigh's room...she has the princess bed and furniture and I think the chandelier just adds the right touch of royal cuteness! :) Love it!  

Living room/family room photo collage :) **I love it and plan to keep adding to it  (Note my no sew pillow covers sitting there on the couch!) :) 

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