Saturday, January 21, 2012


Well, I'm currently working on a few things. I'm painting 2 canvases now that will say "It Is Well With My Soul" is my newest...I saw it on Pinterest :) I'm just changing the colors so as soon as I'm done I'll post pics. I'm also working on organization and decluttering. That's an ongoing process that seems to never end. My next place to tackle in the house is my shoes. I'm trying to get what I can out and help others with what I don't need. Someone once told me that we don't need to hold onto stuff we aren't using b/c they are someone else's blessings that we are holding in bondage. I try to clean out what I can so that I can bless others with it...whether it be people I know or our local Salvation Army. Anyways, I have about 3 boxes as of now and I'm about to have a bag of shoes very soon! :) Anyways, I better get to sorting...Until next time...

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